
Step 1: Select a city below to enroll in classes. Fill out ALL of the information on the "registration information" before you select your child's dance classes.
Step 2: After filling out all of the information, Click "Select Classes" which is located under the Enroll in classes section. Make sure that you are only selecting classes for the location that you live in (Atlanta, Birmingham, or Memphis)
Step 3: If you want to select another class you can click select more classes.
Step 4: Once you are done selecting classes you can finish the remainder of the form with agreeing to all policies and putting in your payment information. (It will not charge your card. You will have to log back in to complete your payment after you submit the registration form)
Step 5: Once the form is completed you can click the blue submit button at the bottom and your account will be created.
Step 6: log back into the parent portal here to complete your payment. Please make sure to include ($5 processing fee and $35 registration fee with your total payment)